Kodachrome Basin State Park
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Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #1
This collection of images was taken in Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah. When I discovered this State Park on the map with the name "Kodachrome" (my favorite word in the English language) I just had to make it one of my stops. What I discovered in Kodachrome was a strikingly photogenic array of natural and geological features. Once a wonderland for Kodachrome photographers, it certainly lives up to its name. Upon arriving, I came up with the idea of presenting a collection of 36 images as if I had shot them on a single roll of Kodachrome film. I deeply regret not photographing this park with actual Kodachrome film while it was still in production (prior to 2009). Nevertheless, for this collection I want to use a little nostalgic imagination and present these photographs as a slide show of "digital Kodachrome" images. I have tried to render these images somewhere between today's digital quality and what true sparkling Kodachrome transparencies might look like. I ask you to use a little creative imagination and join me in paying nostalgic tribute to an iconic film in an iconic place that shares its name.
Analog is analog, and digital is digital. Analog and digital are alternate universes. You cannot be in both universes at the same time; it is either one or the other. Analog images "look" analog and digital images "look" digital. This is why you will never see an analog image on a computer screen. The closest you can come to this is to scan an analog image and process it to match the original as closely as possible, when displayed on a monitor. But as soon as the image is scanned, it has been transformed and transported into the digital universe and is no longer analog. What this means is that emulating analog film emulsions digitally is a game of make-believe. Don't put too much stock in the film emulating software available today. It may alter your digital camera images with a "retro" look, but the only way to get the authentic "look" of a specific film is to shoot that film, process it, and look at it in the analog universe. If you want to see what my analog images look like you have to drop by my place and have a real-world look at them. But for now, just pretend.
"I got a Nikon Camera I love to take a photograph
So mama don't take my Kodachrome away" - Paul Simon |

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #2

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #3

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #4

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #5

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #6

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #7

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #8

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #9

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #10

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #11

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #12

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #13

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #14

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #15

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #16

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #17

Kodachrome Basin State Park
Digital Kodachrome 64
PKR 135-36 Frame #18
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